See any differences?  



This was shortly after Mike met Boone.  I'm pretty sure Boone was thinking "Let's blow this joint."  



Pryor still in China.  This is the very first picture I ever saw of Pryor.   After seeing it and then reading all the great things they wrote I knew he was the one!


Shepard Forrest 3.jpeg

One of Shepard's referral pictures.  I think this is near where his foster parents lived.


Brady and Stafan

We hadn't had Stafan very long here.  I wasn't interested in adopting at the time, but out of the blue a friend sent me Stafan's picture.  I kept looking at it for several days.  Finally, I said to myself, "Man he is soooo cute.  I've got to have him!  I deserve him."  Should I admit that?  


Brady and Rebecca Allen

Brady and his wife, Rebecca.  Just encase you're wondering, we adopted Brady from Cucuta, Colombia when he was 3 y.o.  We were young and poor.  When Mike landed in Miami, he had just enough money left to buy them both a hotdog... yeah true story.