They had play houses to die for! The one below is a replica of pharmaceutical mogul Eli Lilly's daughter's.
They honored three typical children that found themselves in extraordinary circumstances: Anne Frank, Ruby Bridges and Ryan White
Above Avery and Gabrielle are Women News Anchors reporting the Ryan White story. I remember years ago it seemed like Ryan White was on the news every night in our city.
Ryan White was diagnosed with AIDS at age 13. He and his mother fought for his right to attend school, gaining international attention as a voice of reason about HIV/AIDS. At the age of 18, Ryan White died on April 8, 1990.
Ruby Bridge's first class room.
This room really made you feel like you were in an old class room. Really cool!!!
We ate dinner in their cafeteria.
I think their favorite spot was this Egyptian deli!
Stafan is pretending he is sleeping in an Egyptian living room.
The Terra Cotta soldiers in China. My niece, Avery (L) is from that province.
Yippee! Mike looks like a lawyer, doesn't he?