Mike got a text this week from school. Sigh... Pryor has been telling kids they are stupid and to shut up. Sound familiar? Yeah, Boone got in trouble for saying shut up the other day too. Where do they get this stuff?

It has to be one on these guys. Pryor and Boone are starting to understand some English, but they don't speak many words yet. Pryor is speaking a little more than Boone. Boone sounds something like this.
Me, "How are you Boone?"
Boone, "You! How are you. Crazy?"
Me, "Stop that Boone!'
Boone, "Sooorry. You OK?"

It could be one of the older kids. Bret is quiet 99% of the time, but when she gets mad look out.

It could be one of the cousins maybe?

It isn't Lael or Arden, because they are too indifferent to bother to tell them to shut up.

It's not me!! I would never tell this sweet face to shut up...


would I...