Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. We try and celebrate. It is just a fun time for the kids and a reminder that they are Chinese American... and do have a heritage.
My friend Teri passed out crafts and treats for the kids.
This is Teri.
I've mentioned my friend Jan who adopted my daughter Remi's friend Abigail. Abigail was Remi's best friend in China. Well, Jan is a busy woman! She has 3 biological sons, has adopted 5 and is working on another adoption right now. Here are two of her girls. Her last adoption was Lydia on the right. Yeah, the girl is breathtaking!! This is Jan's blog and you've go to look and see the little's girl's expression when she sees she has a family. This may be the best pic ever.
Into the crafts
The littlest girl was new to the gang. She looks like she is saying "Save me from these people!!" I think the big girls were in love.
Teri's cuties. They were so sweet and both came up and gave me a hug!
Teri's daughter Lindsey with her new baby boy.
Remi and Abigail
The handsome guy here is my friend Ginger's son.
Remi with my niece Lain.