At about 4:30 CHRISTmas Day I decided we had too much food and way too many sweets, so I got the great idea that it would be silly to cut into this cake and not share the "coolness" of it. So, Becki and I along with some of our cute kids hopped in the car and drove it to a near by nursing home. I thought the women would get a kick out of it. Well, they didn't notice the cake at all. Instead they cooed and aahed over the girls. They told them they were pretty and liked their clothes. Becki and I decided we would make cupcakes and have the kids pass them out soon.
I have a friend that takes her kids every week and visits a nursing home. How cool is that?

This is what Gabrielle wore to the nursing home. One lady said to her, "I love you." Gabrielle said "Aaah I love you too?" I do bet the older women liked this fur coat. I bet half of them had one. : - )))

Lael said "You should be taking them a Jesus Birthday cake!" I told her "Honey, if they haven't gotten it figured it by now they are in trouble!"--I'm just sayin'...

Back to the food!

Pretty! I can say that, because Becki made them. She even made the white chocolate snowflakes. They were red velvet cake with white chocolate frosting.

Cokie is a carnivore and always has been. She also made a big deal out of wanting a big Hershey bar for CHRISTmas.

I don't know where I heard of the pickle game, but I did. So we hid the pickle several times and the kids ran around the house searching for a pickle so they could win presents. The kids got a big kick out of it, so I think we'll make it a tradition!

I bought a lot of t-shirts at Go Fish for surprises

Searching for the pickle.

Lyric said she didn't care if she didn't get anything else, but she had to have a pocket watch for CHRISTmas. No clue where she got that idea.

I was just now downloading this picture. I know Lyric's looks and I know my brother's. I asked her, "What was Uncle Roger saying?" Lyric: "Oh, he was just looking at my pocket watch and he said I should shoot the .... with my gun." I'm not going to say what Roger told Lyric she should shoot, but I will say Jeeves was trying to eat my brother up.

I know shocking, but don't worry she loves Jeeves.

Christmas morning we went to church since it is CHRISTmas and not just "Happy Holiday."

Since we went to church on Christmas and had company coming we opened our presents on Christmas Eve (the kids liked that too, but we're not going to make it a tradition).

As you can see Bret is equally excited. : - )

OK, so she asked for these. They are those sparkling things you hang in your door.

Lael liked Cokie's doll--I'm serious.

Bret wrapped a lot of my presents and she was bummed, because she wanted this so I told her to write her name on it too. The perks of being the wrapper.

He was thrilled to hold these up--not.