Is there a war on Christmas? How many "Happy Holidays" are you getting compared to a "Merry Christmas" this year? Sadly, I've noticed my kid's teachers are writing the dreaded Happy Holidays on their notes. One teacher I've heard is celebrating with her class "xmas around the world." This teacher just needs to leave it alone. Even my gynecologist gave me a have happy holiday and when I said Merry Christmas she got a bland stare on her face and kept on walking. While I was Christmas shopping this week I started asking sales people why they didn't say Merry Christmas. One sales girl gave me a superior "I don't want to offend anyone" and another guy said he was genuinely afraid he would be sued if he said Merry Christmas!

The one thing I'm sure of is I'm more afraid of offending Jesus Christ than the world and I will not stop saying Merry Christmas!

I would love to go in this house. It isn't real close to us, but it is in our county.



DSCN4168 I stayed home and cleaned out my refrigerator tonight. This is Whitney after she brought her Dad home. She had taken him out to a ball game and dinner for his birthday. They had a great time!

DSCN4174 Check out the Christmas tree in back. I went out and bought them new lights and ornaments. It was pretty plain and Lyric told me they had the worst tree in the house.


