Lael is 17 and planning her future.

whit brady lael

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”

Abraham Lincoln



It was 117 degrees that day in Wuhan, China. Our guide had called earlier and said her flight would be late so she wouldn't be there till the next day, but Bian Yuhong, would be brought to the hotel that afternoon. She was almost 4 y.o. and we couldn't believe that soon we would be laying eyes on the little girl that we had only seen in one small picture. We had been in the room just a little while when we heard a knock on the door. In walked a lady that spoke no English and didn't bother to smile. The woman pulled the little girl into the room. The girl's hair was about all shaved off and she had a huge scar on her forehead. She wore a yellow shorts outfit, black dirty sandals and smelled like pee. Her legs looked like they hadn't seen the sun in days even though it was August. I also noticed she had no scratches on her knees or legs. Aren't kids suppose to have skinned knees from playing outside? The child looked scared and mad at the world. The woman showed the little girl the restroom and walked over and got her a drink of water from our refrigerator. The woman then turned and walked straight out the door leaving the child standing. We had brought Whitney (above) to China with us and we all just stood there looking at at the child who had now curled up in the fetal position and started softly crying. I couldn't speak Chinese and she couldn't speak English, but I thought this was the time I should probably do something motherly. I didn't feel it yet, but I reached down and rubbed her back.


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Lael has made hundreds of hats and sent them to the orphanages in China. She now has friends and even teachers who make hats. She has received yarn and several donations to help mail the hats. We mailed off a huge box last week to Anyone traveling to China and willing to carry some over with them please contact me at

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The children wear layers of clothes, because the orphanages have no heat. The one in the red on the far right looks like she also has a scar on her forehead like Lael did. I also notice one looks burned like my Bret and Cokie were.