Since last August, Stafan has been going to Riley Hospital once a week to get shots for his allergy to wasps and hornets. He got stung last summer, had a really bad reaction and we spent the night in ICU. Each Tuesday, we get up really early (waaa) and head to Riley. Stafan gets four shots altogether, but we have to wait 30 minutes after the first two to make sure the shot doesn't cause him to have a reaction (they actually inject a small amount of insect venom into his arm with each shot). So he gets two shots and we sit for 30 minutes (actually have breakfast), and then he goes back for two more shots and we sit another 30 minutes. Well, this week the doctor said Stafan is now "desensitized" enough that he will only have to get two shots starting next week. Which means I get some of my Tuesday mornings back. And that got me about as excited as the pig in the youtube.
They give Stafan a timer set for the 30 minutes.
The good part is we get to have one on one time and I get to spoil him some. Stafan is a great kid!
On Christmas break I made Arden go with us. She was thrilled...not.
This week Cokie was sick and didn't go to school so she went with us.