Bret was burned in China and since she has been our's she has had several surgeries. Rignt now Bret is in the middle of a big procedure. They are making her some new skin!! She is blessed to be under the care of the top plastic surgeon at our childrens hospital. He is a graduate of Harvard and we don't take him for granted. Our school system is one of the best in the state and we don't take that for granted either. Today Bret received flowers sent by some of the teachers at school. How thoughtful is that?! She was so proud of them and everywhere Bret went the flowers went. I finally asked her if I could see them too. They smell soooo good. One more thing we don't take for granted is what a fabulous little girl God has given us! Please say a prayer that Bret's surgery goes well.

This is what they use for her weekly injections. The needle alone would scare the pants off most people. Her nurse told me Bret was so tough. She said Bret hops right up and they are wondering where she went. She said most adults lay there for 30 to make sure they are OK.

OK, so she makes us proud!

You forget how little and stinkin cute they were!!

Bret and Lyric went back to visit their homeland. The Great Wall is behind them. Don't they look thrilled?