Bret and Cokie are in the middle of a series of surgeries right now because of their burns they suffered in China. They have had three huge surgeries in about one month. Two were Cokie's and one was Bret's. In between we go back to the hospital two or three times per week for injections and bandage changes.
last week was a doozie. Even with crutches she can barely walk right now.
Either leg cannot get wet so bathing is very creative.
Cokie's pain was so severe they gave her Dilaudid (7 x stronger
than morphine).
This picture of Cokie is back home getting her bandages changed. I change the bandage on the new skin graft. Skin grafting is a surgical procedure in which skin or a skin substitute
is placed over a burn or non-healing wound. Her new graft is huge. It takes up the entire top of her right leg. The nurse told us they took her top skin off with something like an electric cheese grater. Cokie has plenty of new wounds since her last surgery. They did several scar revisions. The revisions are to restore function and correct skin changes. The hospital has me bring her back in for the bandages where they put the new grafts. We feel very blessed. We have great hospitals, insurance and the plastic surgeon we could ever ask for!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from
the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to
James 1:17
Beef Tenderloin Filet
Mike and Lael had a really fun time last night at the 2016 Pacers Masquerade
Ball. Not sure why they call it a masquerade, because no one wears
masks or costumes. It is a fundraiser for the Pacers Foundation and the
Simon Youth Foundation; both really good causes that have helped
thousands of at risk kids not only in Indianapolis but across the
country. Mike and Lael had a blast, despite Mike making her have her picture
taken with Paul George. He always does that. : - ) As they were walking over to PG, another Pacers
player stopped Lael in her tracks, smiled awfully big at her and tried
to get Lael to take a picture with him! Hmmmm. The picture with Bobby
Leonard was from last year's event (hence the different suit, shirt and
tie). Meeting Bobby Leonard did not disappoint. He was every bit as nice
and down to Earth as he appears to be on television. I took
the picture and had just a bought a new camera. After I took the picture,
he walked over to me, gazed at the camera and with that endearing
"Slick" Leonard drawl exclaimed, "Maayyy, that's a fan-cy cam-e-ra!!!"
Rather than hurry away to hang out with Larry Legend and his other Pacer
pals, Bobby was nice enough to hang around us for some small talk.
Finally, he patted Mike on the shoulder and as he walked away acted as if
he was the one privileged to meet Mike and me.
Ice Cream Sundae
Mike and Larry Bird.
Happy B-day to you! We got Lael's cake at Shapiro's Kosher style delicatessen. It has been in business for 110 years!
Lael: "I want a Red Velvet cake!"
The little old Jewish man didn't speak, but quickly went and got the cake and boxed it all up nice and neat. Then he nicely taped all four sides of the box.
Lael: "Does this cake have cheesecake inside?"
The little old Jewish man just stared at Lael. He didn't say a word, but I know what he was thinking. "Please don't tell me you want a different cake after I spent all that time boxing up the one you ordered."
Me: "Lael, you did not order cheesecake."
Lael: "But Arden's cake had cheesecake inside."
Me: "Arden ordered a cake with cheesecake in it!"
The little old Jewish man looked relieved.
I paid $45 for the Red Velvet Cake, picked it up and handed it to Lael for her to carry out.
The little Old Jewish Man started to sing as we walked out the door: "Happy Birthday to you!!!"
True story. LOL!!
So before we went and picked out Lael's birthday cake, Cokie had to go to the hospital and get her bandages changed. Lael wanted to go watch.
is now in many surgeries observing. As a matter of fact, right after
Cokie's surgery, Lael was in with Cokie's surgeon that very afternoon. Lael was watching another surgery being done! How cool is that?!! I think that is cool!
So, they are not going easy on what Lael sees. She is in some very, very serious life threatening surgeries.
Cokie has four different SUPER large new wounds on her leg. One of the procedures she had two weeks ago was to release scars that had gotten too tight and restricting.
I have to say/BRAG Cokie doesn't cry or complain. The nurses constantly tell Cokie how strong she is! : - )
Lael: "Cokie why don't you put any weight on your foot? You should be putting some weight on that foot." Then, Cokie jumped on the table. The nurse lets Cokie undo some of her bandages and tear off the special tape. That way it doesn't hurt Cokie so much.
Below is Lael's face when she sees Cokie's wounds--one right on the top of the foot that Cokie won't put weight on.
Back to school after Fall break.
Stafan is an amazing, amazing boy. He makes about all A+, never really talks back, does anything I ask him to do without hardly ever complaining. He's athletic and well pretty darn good looking to boot! The other day was "National Take your Bible to School Day." Their Dad talked to them about it and said he hopes they will take theirs to school.
Me: "Stafan are you taking your Bible to school?"
Stafan has a dry, slow quiet voice.
Stafan: "I already do."
Me: "Everyday?"
Stafan: "Yeah."
Come to find out he even takes it to lunch with him. And, I think he has done it all through middle school.
Back at home. Getting showers done and homework. Don't mind Gabrielle's wet head.
Me: "Gabrielle, do you see Stafan take his Bible to school?"
Gabrielle: "Yeah, he does almost every day."
14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.15 Neither
do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on
its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.