
Sunday morning we've been starting the day with bagels and Jesus.  Mike is leading us in a study of Colossians.  BTW, BibleGateway is a really good iPad, iPhone or Android app.  Once you download it, your Bible is never more than a few clicks away!










Remi's foster sister from China visited this weekend.  She and Remi lived together in a foster home in China for almost 5 years.  Remi was adopted in 2010, and her foster sister was adopted shortly after that.  They have been blessed to visit together 3 times since!  She has a sweet Momma now and lives in Oregon.



 sermon 110914

This week, our Preacher preached on the parable of the prodigal son.  The sermon was really good and offered a perspective I've never heard before or thought about.  Our preacher didn't focus on the son being prodigal.  He focused on the son becoming lost and separated from his home.  He explained that the parable doesn't talk about the son breaking any earthly rules.  He didn't steal his father's money--his father voluntarily gave him his share of his estate.  After the son squandered all his money, he didn't steal, he took a lowly job feeding a farmer's pigs.  But despite that, the son actually committed the most serious and dangerous sin.  He ran away from his home and the person who loved him most, his father.  Our preacher emphasized that "home" is not a place, it is a relationship.  The son was stubborn, wanted to control his own life and didn't care how much hurt and dishonor his behavior caused his father.  When the son finally came to his senses, his father welcomed him home with open arms.  The key takeaway I was left with is that the root of all sin is when we stubbornly refuse to submit to God.  That desire to control our own life outside of God's will is the cause of all other sin.  The good news is that if and when we come to our senses, ask for forgiveness and turn away from our sin and back to God (i.e., repent), God is filled with compassion for us, runs to us, throws his arms around us and welcomes us home.

Luke 15:11 - 32.


After church we ate  lunch together.... 


that gave us time to "preach" to Lael and Arden about dating--what to look for in a man.  They always love that!  : - )


In the end I told them, "Aaahh heck!  If you want to know what to look for in a man, just watch Little House on the Prairie and the Waltons."  Can you really improve on Charles or John?! : - )
