Together again!


Remi's foster sister (far left) came to visit clear from the west coast! They both missed each other a lot.  We also invited Remi's best friend Abigail (far right) over.  Remi, her foster sister and Abigail spent many years together in China! Really all they had was one another. They all were adopted to the U.S. within a few months of each other.  Abigail and Remi were best friends in ChinaWhen we were working on getting Remi, I knew Abigail was also getting adopted, so I started trying to find out through some online adoption resources where she was going.  Imagine my surprise when her new mother contacted me, and I found out we live about 20 minutes apart.  It is a true miracle how God kept these two girls together.


Now this is Remi showing off to her old friends that she has this great cousin Lain. Remi and Lain are best friends too. When we drove Abigail home, Abigail got to show off her big Victorian house. She was very proud! I thought it was a BLESSING the girls all got to see one another doing so well with their new families. Kind of like peace of mind for the girls.



Remi's foster sister has some kind of Mom! She packed up herself along with six of her kids and drove them clear across the country for the adventure of a lifetime. They visited family and friends along the way. How exciting would that be?!


Bret made sure she got in the middle of things. I was talking to Abigail's Mom on the phone and told her Bret grabbed Abigail first thing, even though Abigail is Remi's friend. Abigail's Mom is so smart and said, "Abigail is old enough to have two friends." I love smart moms!


I think Remi's foster sister is so cute! She spent the night. First thing I know, they decided to call their foster mom back in China. The foster Mom was working, but they talked to the foster Dad and the foster biological sister. They giggled for over 30 minutes and would have longer, but I told them to quiet down. I was in bed, and I guess they took that as their queue to hang up. I didn't really care how long they talked.


Remi's foster sister told her that after Remi was moved back to the orphanage to wait on us, she and the foster mom went there to see her, but they were not allowed to.  She said they left with her crying.  But I suppose I can see how allowing the visit might have messed Remi's mind up.  I certainly would not have wanted Remi to get second thoughts on coming with us!


Not sure what was so funny, but this was a pig Arden brought with her from China 6 years ago.