So tomorrow is December 1. Does that mean we can start saying Merry Christmas?
The CHRISTmas countdown...
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
Psalm 95:2
I'll just sit by myself...
Boone: "We had a substitute teacher today. He was mean."
Me: "Why was he mean Boone?"
Boone: "He made me sit on the curb on recess for no reason."
Me: "Boone way did he make you sit on the curb?" Boone: "I didn't do nothing." Me: "Boone Jesus knows when you're lying, and the Bible says liars have their part in the lake of fire."
Boone: "I kicked a ball into someone's head."
Boone: "I know what I want to be on Halloween next year."
Me: "An outlaw?"
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8
Another Cokie Day
This all happened about two weeks ago.
And, we found out today the graft probably didn't take. Apparently, the knee is not the best place for a graft. Sigh... I was so hopeful to have her knee fixed.
Oh well... what's one more surgery after number 30ish. Sometimes I say 20ish. Sometimes I say 30ish. Too many to know now. Some were in China before we got her. Cokie takes it all in stride. Never complaining.
Lyric: "That's good."
Lyric and Cokie lived in the same orphanage together. We went to get Lyric, and I saw Cokie. God moved.
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. Proverbs 16:9 I'm glad I'm a Christian. I'm glad God hears my prayers. I'm glad God answers my prayers... as He sees fit. He saw fit to give us one of the most perfect little girls ever. Cokie is BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT.
We had to get up at 4:00 am and be at the hospital by 5:30 am. Blessed to live close to a great Childrens' Hospital.
We're always scheduled to spend the night.
"Don't worry Mike I'll have us out of here by noon." And I did. It
was about five till. : - ) I start asking the doctor as soon as I see
Decorating her mask.
Cokie chose very berry fruit punch.
And she put so much very berry fruit punch on, they had to tell her stop.
I'm ready now.
Cokie has had the same surgeon for about ten years. He's a special man.
Me: "We don't have to spend the night do we?"
And soon it was over.
Cokie: "I was going to puke, but Mom told me I can't let them see me!!"
Feeling sick, but hanging on to the cell phone thingy.
I have to say Jeeves impressed even me. Cokie had to wear this brace for two weeks. Needless to say, the first couple of days Cokie was sore and slow. Well, Jeeves always follows us all over the house and hates to be left in a room alone. Normally, going up and down the stairs Jeeves loves to race us. He slips pass and leaves us in the dust. Well, Cokie was limping down the stairs. I was slowly walking beside her and having to stop for her to get to the next step. I looked backed and Jeeves wouldn't pass us. He awkwardly was sitting with his butt on one step and his front paws on the one below. He was waiting on Cokie.
Cokie told me the next day she couldn't really say thank you to her cousin and Uncle, because when she opened her mouth she felt like she was going to puke. And she puked plenty -- clear through the next day. Next time, I swear I'm not letting her talk me into Panda Express and a Starbucks Frapuccino.
When Cokie woke up, Arden had bought her this. : - ) So sweet Arden.
This is one of Cokie's cute and funny friends. Cokie went back to school after one week, but still had to wear her brace. Cokie said her other good friend, Whitney, vowed to walk stiff legged like Cokie till Cokie's brace comes off. Me: "Is Whitney still walking like you?" Cokie: "Yes, today I laughed so hard I fell on the floor. Whitney couldn't get me back up."
True friends are hard to find.
Cokie's puke bucket.
Seems like Cokie always has a sweet teacher thinking of her.